Cassie's List
- Go on a world cruise...or even just an Alaskan cruise
- Create a popular blog
- Graduate College
- Attend and graduate cooking school
Own an iPhone(Summer 2011)
Marry my best friend(November 2006)
- Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary with my best friend
- Own a house with a fireplace
- Cuddle in front of the fireplace on a cold evening
- Visit all 50 states
- Go back for visit to Louisiana
- Meet some of my WoW friends.
- Attend a blogging conference
Make my Build-A-Bear(October 2010 Trip to SC)
- Walk for Breast Cancer
- Get back down to my high school weight
- Blog once a week for a year
- Go to Ireland
- On our 10th wedding anniversary, have a big church wedding
- Don't be afraid to remove the people from my life who I know do not care about me.
- And my number #1 bucket list item...Open my own bakery
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